Every year there is one thing marked on my calendar that I can not miss. Its the Celebration of Wool market day at the Old Bus Depot Markets in Kingston Canberra.
The Old Bus Depot Markets (OBDM) are awesome every weekend of the year. There is hot apple cider and coconut chicken to look forward to, or freshly squeezed orange juice and sweet pastries to try. There is always top notch crafts people selling their wares from paintings, to wood work, to sewn goods. There is honestly something for everyone. Guy likes to sniff out new and old favorite foods, my Dad looks out for plants, my Mum can often find fabrics, my niece some crafting things. We often meet out there on a Sunday morning when the family has been in town visiting, just before everyone heads back to their “normal” lives.
But every May (around the 3rd weekend), they have a market dedicated to everything wool. Fibre, yarn and fabric. Ugg boots, felted vests, hand dyed yarns, homegrown fleece. Even shearing demonstrations!
It’s not just me who loves it. This day has become so popular that last year they made it into a two day event! And added classes!
So what happens when you have a spinning obsession, expendable cash and a market day dedicated to all things woolly? You end up well stocked with fibrey goodness and a stockpile that will last maybe ~ a month!
This is how my weekend just gone went. I headed to the markets on the Sunday, 20th May. With Guy in toe, our first mission was to fuel up with deliciousness (pizza for breaky?! why not…), closely followed by buying all of it. Well not really, I was pretty selective, sniffed out what was around before heading back to buy things.
Some of my favorite places were Feltfine, Glenora, Raxor Yarns. I bought some beautiful wool from some lovely ladies who grew their own sheeps but I didn’t get a business card and didn’t take much notice of their store name. Sad panda that I can’t pass their details along, sorry! Oh and a sneaky Birthday present for mum from Frank Williams!
So obviously I have spent my spare time since Sunday spinning!
I defiantly recommend checking out the Old Bus Depot Markets! They have other theme days as well, and are worth checking out any Sunday of the year. But if your fibre inclined, I highly recommend the Celebration of Wool (Wool Expo) weekend in May (usually the 3rd weekend of May). And there is a “Creative Fibre Day” on July 8 which is not as big as the wool days, but have a lot of great fibrey, wooly goodness too!