Tis the season to be jolly, and creative!

You can find me by following the gently hum of the spinning wheel, purr of the sewing machine or the click of my mouse as I design and create all the Christmas presents for my friends and family. Unfortunately that means there is a few things I can’t share with you just yet!

The house has been (somewhat) decorated, The tree is up at least! My tradition is to get it out on the first of December.

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My lovely Christmas tree in all its glory. I’m so happy, it’s so colourful and covered in memories

A beautiful glass rainbow represents mine and Guys first Christmas as a married couple. I found it rather fitting after our colourful wedding 🙂

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A glass rainbow to celebrate our first Christmas as a married couple. On the bottom it reads “2018, Cate <3 Guy, Our first Christmas as Mr & Mrs”

Some new watermelon lights add a little bit more charm 🙂 I have some sparkly ribbon I keep meaning to wrap around them.

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New watermelon lights! Look great with the flamingo lights! But they do need the sparkly ribbon treatment!

I was excited when I found some little ornaments I got in South America last year. I had totally forgotten about them!

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A little embroidered bauble that I found in Peru

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A llama! I think this guy started life as a key ring. But that fell off and he became the perfect Christmas decoration!

And of course I have a Christmas pink flamingo chillin’ out!

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My Christmas flamingo chillin’ in the tree!

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As children, me and my siblings would visit my Grandma and Granddads after church on a Sunday sometime in December to decorate their tree. My Grandma always had these little bird ornaments that I absolutely adored. I have no idea where they went but I have some bird ornaments of my own that always remind me of decorating their tree <3

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Ahhhh! I love Christmas time. It’s the end of the year, the weather is warm, and work shuts down for two weeks. There is amazing food to be shared with friends and family. The best bit though? Colourful decorations and bright lights!

Enjoy this time, and feel free to share with me your traditions and decorations 🙂

Have a creative week

<3 Cate